![Rustom Irani](https://digitalmeasuresgies.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/business_public/portrait/rirani.jpg)
4039 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration, New York University, 2013
- M.Phil., Economics, Oxford University, 2006
- B.S., Economics, London School of Economics, 2004
Positions Held
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Gies Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013 to present
- Morgan Stanley, London, 2006-2007
- Office of Fair Trading, London, 2006
- Lloyd's Private Banking, London, 2001
Recent Publications
- Irani, R., Almeida, H., Ersahin, N., Fos, S., & Kronlund, M. Forthcoming. Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity? Review of Financial Studies.
- Irani, R., van Bekkum, S., Gabarro, M., & Peydro, J. Forthcoming. The Real Effects of Borrower-Based Macroprudential Policy. Journal of Monetary Economics.
- Irani, R., Iyer, R., Meisenzahl, R., & Peydro, J. (2021). The Rise of Shadow Banking: Evidence from Capital Regulation. Review of Financial Studies, 34 (5), 2181-2235.
- Irani, R., Ersahin, N., & Waldock, K. (2021). Can Strong Creditors Inhibit Entrepreneurship? Review of Financial Studies.
Other Publications
- Irani, R., Ersahin, N., & Le, H. (2021). Creditor Control Rights and Resource Allocation within Firms. Journal of Financial Economics.
- Ersahin, N., & Irani, R. (2020). Collateral Shocks and Corporate Employment. Review of Finance, 24 (1), 163-187.
- van Bekkum, S., Gabarro, M., & Irani, R. (2018). Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Credit Supply. Review of Financial Studies, 31 (3), 943–979.
- Irani, R., & R. Meisenzahl, R. (2017). Loan Sales and Bank Liquidity Management: Evidence from a U.S. Credit Register. Review of Financial Studies, 30 (10), 3455–3501.
- Irani, R., & Oesch, D. (2016). Analyst Coverage and Real Earnings Management: Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51 (2), 589-627.
- Irani, R., & Oesch, D. (2013). Monitoring and Corporate Disclosure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Journal of Financial Economics, 398-418.
Honors and Awards
- Julian Simon Memorial Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois Gies College of Business, 2018 to present
Research Interests
Corporate Finance, Financial Intermediation
Current Courses
Banking and Financial Reg (FIN 461) Survey of the structure, functions, regulation, and risk management activities of banks and nonbank financial institutions; central banking and monetary policy effects on financial institutions.
Banking and Financial Reg (FIN 561) Survey of the structure, functions, regulation, and risk management activities of banks and nonbank financial institutions; central banking and monetary policy effects on financial institutions.
Money and Banking (FIN 571) This online course will provide you with a framework that can be used to understand the connections between money, banking, and financial markets, as well as the implementation and impacts of modern monetary policy. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to apply this framework to assess how new developments in finance and public policy may influence the macroeconomic and business environment.
4039 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820